Undergraduate Study
Here at UChicago, we aim to convey the ideas and methods of academic economics. Broadly defined, economics is the study of how society allocates scarce resources. From principles to advanced topics classes, from preparatory courses in mathematics and statistics to research opportunities, the program strives to convey how economists reason and how they analyze models and compare model implications to observations.
In addition to the standard economics major, the undergraduate program offers two tracks: the specialization in Business Economics and the specialization in Data Science. These tracks launched during the 2018-2019 academic year and are open to all students.
The specialization in Business Economics is offered in partnership with the Booth School of Business and also draws from courses taught across the University.
The specialization in Data Science provides training in computation and data analysis beyond the basic methods discussed in the empirical methods sequence.
Students may sample both these and the standard tracks and choose the one that is best suited to their interest and professional goals. As part of the partnership with Booth, students in the current standard Economics track may be able to complete pre-approved Booth courses to meet some elective requirements of the major.
Chicago students use their B.A. in economics for a wide range of career paths that include further professional degrees in law, business, and medicine, graduate level work in applied economics and economic policy, as well as Ph.D. training for economic research careers.
Application for admission to The College of the University of Chicago can be completed through the office of College Admissions. The Department of Economics does not participate in the admissions process of college students.
Key Personnel
Victor Lima and Kotaro Yoshida
Julie Wong
Undergraduate Student Affairs Administrator
Saieh Hall for Economics 106
Tel: 773-834-6672