Outstanding Thesis Award

2024 Winner:

Shan Gao: Predicting whole-brain neural dynamics from prefrontal cortex fNIRS signals during movie-watching

Other Nominees:

Bhavya Pandey: Gender Identity and Representation in the Context of Economic Development in India

Connie (Kangyi) Chen: Unlocking Drivers behind Stock Price Movements: Apply Structural Deep Learning to Predict Operating Profitability from Text Data

Jessica Ji: Pioneering Efforts towards AI-Assisted Reflective Political Discourse

Loizos Bitsikokos: Living in the Hub: A Platform Study of Desire Semantics

Wenyi Zhao: How does LLM Shape and Mediate Online Communication? An Exploration of Toxicity Identification and Detoxification with ChatGPT

Yiang Li: Rivalry or Solidarity: Examining the Influence of Co-residing Siblings in Childhood on Cognitive Function and Cognitive Decline in Later Life

Yutao He: Does large scale poverty alleviation foster persistent regional growth? Evidence from China 

2023 Winner:

Gabriel Nicholson: “Is the News Always Negative? Using Deep Learning to Track News Sentiment During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Other Nominees:

Silvan Baier: “Scientific paradigms and organizational hierarchies

Chongyu Fang: “A Tale of Two Monetary Transmissions: Evidence from State-Owned Enterprises in China

Pranathi Iyer: “Decoding Indian Matrimonial Advertisements: Individual Preferences Entrenched in Socio-cultural biases

Fiona (Meng-Chien) Lee: “Deriving The Representational Space And Memorability Of Object Concepts And Features

Awaid Yasin: “Estimating Daily US Inflation Expectation Using Twitter

Joseph Helbing: “Mentos Regimes: How Individual Uncertainty Affects The Explosive Strength Of Resistance Movements—People Are The Real Freshmakers