Sania Zeb Transcript

Program: Masters in Computational Social Science (MACSS)
Year: Second year
Concentration: Economics
What types of research interest you?
Applied economics and development economics research, which I want to couple with tools of big data research methods.
Why did you choose MACSS?
The program is a perfect combination of techniques and theory, which provides me with remarkable avenues both in the job market as well as for my PhD applications.
What question are you investigating in your thesis project?
I’m researching empirical investigation of global spillovers and developing an income inequality structural model in line with these economic shocks.
What resources have been helpful to you in that work?
The guidance of amazing faculty in Economics and the library’s research resources have made my literature review well-organized and accessible. In addition, for my data exercises, I have used UChicago’s RCC and Midway Cluster, which provided me with efficient use of my big data skills.
With which faculty are you working?
So far, I am working with Dr. Kotaro Yoshida, Dr. Christina Brown and Dr. Steven Durlauf. I will confirm my thesis advisor this fall.
What has been your favorite courses thus far?
From the programming track, my favorite course has been Big Data and High-Performance Computing for Social Scientists. From the economics track, all the courses have been quite a learning experience, particularly Causal Inference and Microeconomics of Development.
What is your favorite thing about MACSS?
MACSS offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach, with constant motivation to learn new skills and techniques every day. It's a challenge that is worth taking.
What has been your biggest challenge in the program?
I didn't have a programming background, so it was a challenge for me to understand at the beginning. However, it enabled me so much so that I did an individual big data project for my final class in programming sequence.
Why did you choose UChicago?
I chose UChicago for its academic rigor and its power to inculcate world-class knowledge and strength in students from across the globe, especially for first-generation graduates from developing countries like me. Moreover, after coming to UChicago, its culture of freedom to think, explore, and develop innovative ideas has been a positive surprise for me.
What’s it like living in Chicago?
Living in Chicago has been bliss. It is so diverse and welcoming that you feel right at home, and the weather is quite refreshing.
What do you hope to accomplish after you graduate from UChicago?
I hope to build on my quantitative and technical skills to apply toward my work in development economics and formulate a poverty alleviation model for developing countries.
What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking about applying to UChicago?
Be ready to embrace the intellectual rigor at UChicago, where your determination and goals will be forged into brilliance.
Additional Info that might be helpful:
I come from a modest background and am the first member of my family to graduate from college. The investment made by the University of Chicago in my education through scholarships, knowledge, and intellectual rigor has profoundly transformed my skill set and perspective. Transitioning from a traditionally male-dominated society to achieving independence and financial self-sufficiency, the University of Chicago has provided me with an unparalleled opportunity that has significantly shaped my personal and professional growth.