Photograph of Ross Stolzenberg
Ross Stolzenberg Email
Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology

Ross (Rafe) Stolzenberg is professor in the Committee on Quantitative Research Methods in the Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences; the Department of Sociology and in the College. His substantive research focuses on employment, occupations, careers, and labor markets, lately with attention to the U.S. federal judiciary. 

Stolzenberg has published more than 50 articles in leading peer reviewed professional publications and has authored, co-authored or edited ten books and monographs. 

His substantive studies include examinations of 1) Occupational, industrial and employer segmentation of labor market structure and function 2) Effects of husbands’ and wives’ employment on each other’s health 3) Reciprocal effects of fertility expectations and labor force participation plans of young women 4) City and state differences in race and gender occupational inequality 5) Effects of marriage and fertility timing on religious participation of American parents 6) Post-collegiate school continuation.

Learn more about Professor Stolzenberg here.